Material Marking

Our thermoplastic products are food-approved and environmentally friendly. They are marked with the recycling triangle, which indicates that the product is recyclable, as well as the glass/fork symbol, which shows that the product is food approved.


The number in the triangle usually indicates the main plastic in the product. Many of our products are manufactured in bisphenol-free PET plastics, for example Tritan®, ECOZEN® and polyamides (PA). These plastics are part of 07, which is a collective group for miscellaneous plastics. 07 therefore includes many different plastics, including the plastic Polycarbonate which contains Bisphenol A.

* Other plastics, for example PET, Melamine and Polycarbonate

In some cases, we manufacture the same product in different materials, or the number may be missing from the recycling symbol. Then we use a material clock that shows which material the product is made of. The material clock is usually placed on the underside of our products.

How do I know the product is safe?

There has been a lot of information about collective group 07 in recent years and incorrect information such as that 07 means "mixed plastic" or "dangerous plastic" has reached consumers. The triangle only shows that the product is recyclable and to which group the plastic belongs. The symbol is therefore not a certificate of the material the product is made of. Your supplier of plastic tableware should have documents certifying what the plastic contains.

We aim for all products in our range to have the above-mentioned symbols and continuously update our tools. You can also Contact us to access material certificates or certificates for specific products.

Do you have product technical questions?

We are happy to answer all your concerns and for this purpose we have a specific quality department that works daily on researching materials and legislation. Send us a message and our experts will be in touch soon.