Green loop system

The Green Loop System is a model where products for commercial kitchens and catering are reused in the business, instead of being bought in, used and then thrown away. We offer a unique system where we take advantage of the good properties of bioplastic and reuse it 100% for the best possible environmental benefit.

The products in the Green Loop System have a superior durability and can  be used for at least 3-5 years before they wear out. Through recycling, we extend the life of the products, which can be recycled again and again for up to 30 years without the durability being affected.

The Green Loop System is a complete service that means a smoother flow of costs, the best environmental choice through recycling and other advantages that plastic tableware brings.

Our products are produced in bisphenol-free and often bio-based plastics that are food approved and meets the requirements according to EC directives 1935/2004, 10/2011 and 282/2008 regarding recycled plastic materials intended to come into contact with food.

Our products are marked with material clock, date clock and the glass and fork mark which means we can trace the product all the way back to the source. In this way, we can ensure the product's quality throughout the entire life cycle.


Plastics in general have outstanding properties that can be recycled without affecting quality. The energy consumption in the entire production process is lower in plastic production than in the production of alternative materials. In addition, the low weight of the plastic results in reduced carbon dioxide emissions when transporting raw materials and finished products.

Studies show that when handled correctly, plastic is the most climate-smart alternative, compared to corresponding materials such as porcelain, melamine and opal glass.

Ergonomics and work environment

The work environment in commercial kitchens is often heavy and physically demanding. Repetitive heavy lifting is identified as a major risk factor for kitchen staff who often suffer wear and tear injuries. In one study, 37% of Sweden's chefs and cooks stated that they had problems directly linked to the physical work environment at the workplace. Heavy lifting of, for example, dish trays wears out both the arm/shoulder, neck and wrists. A full sink with porcelain weighs about 10 kg. In comparison, a full sink with plates from the Green Loop System weighs only 3 kg.

The Green Loop System can also contribute to an improved working environment in the canteen. Loud students, furniture, kitchen equipment and crockery are some of the reasons why the school cafeteria is often a place where the noise level is at its highest. In a crowded school canteen, the noise level can reach as much as 75-80 dB(A), which, according to the Norwegian Working Environment Agency, can lead to hearing damage in the long run.

A high noise level contributes to increased stress and less energy in students. A noisy dining hall can lead to poorer study results as students do not get the recovery they need. It can also lead to students skipping meals, which has a direct impact on the student's energy and school motivation. High noise levels are also a major work environment problem for the people who work in the dining room.

By replacing crockery and glass with the Green Loop System, the measured noise level in the dining room can be lowered by 11-19 dB(A). By lowering the sound level in the higher frequency range where our hearing is most sensitive, we reduce the risk of hearing damage and improve the working environment for staff and diners.

Economic and ecological sustainability

A closed recirculation system means a solution to the major environmental challenges of our time. However, there are more advantages to a closed system, in the form of stable finances, resource efficiency and less wastage. This becomes clear when analyzing similar systems with other materials.

The lifetime and durability of the products in the Green Loop System have been tested by simulating natural conditions. A total of 7 cycles have been performed, and carefully evaluated and tested. Tests show that no negative effect occurs from the recycling process. The material retains the same good properties in terms of durability, strength and no migration of substances could be traced after 7 cycles, corresponding to a lifespan of at least 28 years.

As the products are used over a long period, it is conceivable that a certain color variation occurs with each recirculation. In order to maintain the color of the product, a small amount of basic raw material can be added (5-15%), which according to our studies further improves the life of the product.


We send the products directly to your business, where they are used as normal for an average of 4 years. For a school, this means that each plate serves an average of 800 portions of food before the plate needs to be replaced due to wear.

The Green Loop System contributes to an improved working environment, and the products are safer to use than ordinary glass and porcelain, which is appreciated by both staff and diners.


All products in the Green Loop System are manufactured in our own factory in Eskilstuna. That the Green Loop System is manufactured in Sweden means short delivery distances with less carbon dioxide emissions from trucks and ships.

The products in the Green Loop System are largely manufactured from bioplastic. Bioplastic is a type of plastic that contains starch from nature, such as corn, peas or hemp. By adding natural biomass, we further reduce carbon dioxide emissions.


Over time, Green Loop System products will get a little scratchy and worn. Then they are sent back to our factory where they are ground down into granules from which we then make new products.

A plate can be recycled at least 6 times before it is allowed to leave the Green Loop System to become a completely new product, or then it is sent to energy recovery.

More information?

Today, the Green Loop System is used by several satisfied municipalities. Contact us for a free quote or for more information.